The primary role of “Friends of Rotary” is to provide a facility that connects people to a Rotary Club, thereby providing an avenue of participation for a 1 year membership period, until the right opportunity to formally join Rotary arises. For many people in our community who, because of other commitments may be unable to become full time members of Rotary, but who would like to support the ideals of Rotary in a less formal way.
A “Friend of a Rotary Club” would be invited to participate in the activities of the Club under the following conditions:
A “Friend of Rotary” would be sponsored by a current Member and approved by the Board for 12 months.
A “Friend of Rotary” would be encouraged to attend meetings whenever possible, and likewise to support social and official functions run by the Club, and its fund raising and volunteer activities.
A “Friend of Rotary” would be encouraged to offer ideas and have an input (through their Rotarian Sponsor) in the development and promotion of the functions and ideals of the Club for local community and humanitarian projects.
Friends of our Club pay a small nominal annual subscription and help with any/some of our activities if and when they have the time and inclination. These include BBQ’s, workshops, club meetings and socializing.
If you are interested in joining “The Friends of a Rotary Club” please contact our Club.