RYDA – Rotary Youth Driver Awareness

The Rotary Club of Clare again held the RYDA program, provided by Road Safety Education, over 2 days on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th May held at The Valleys Lifestyle Centre.  There were a few initial challenges as new Facilitators needed to be sourced and the Speed and Stopping Road area, that had been used for the past RYDA events, was no longer available.

With some negotiating and problem solving, including modifying the program slightly due to heavy rain on the Tuesday the event was successfully completed.  148 Students and 14 Teachers from Balaklava, Burra, Clare and Riverton Secondary Schools who attended and were provided with practical road safety strategies and skills needed to stay safe on the roads and make positive contributions whether they are the driver or a passenger.  The Teachers advised they found the workshop worthwhile, with students actively participating and engaging in sessions. 

Our thanks to Valleys Lifestyle Centre, Clare Sports Club and CGVC for supporting with the venue; Toyota for providing the demo vehicle; Police, RAA and Facilitators for their expert knowledge and skills and Woolworths and Little Red Grape for providing morning tea and lunch.

My personal thanks for the volunteers; Josie Paine, Isabella Matheson, Carol Virgin, Carol Bennett, Bill Singleton, David Dunstan and friend who helped at various times throughout the two days.

The RYDA program is a great service to the local community, however I recommend the new Rotary Board determine at the start of their Rotary Year if they have the hands-on resources and commitment from club members to support ongoing youth programs.